At the End of the Day

At the end of the day, I sleep easy knowing that I have given what I could, but it wasn’t always like this for me.

During my undergrad I scheduled my entire day, my schedule gave me more freedom than I could have imagined.  I demanded it of myself to become efficient in all the skills necessary to complete my daily goals.  My daily rituals were preparation for my future success.

Life would proceed hit me in the mouth with a fistful of depression.

One of the first things that dropped off my plate was working out and then eventually scheduling my day.  At the time I didn’t see how not having these rituals would impact me.  The point in my life that it all occurred was when I landed my second professional job out of college.

I had attained a bulk of the goals I had been striving for so long to achieve, but forgot to set new goals.  Becoming stagnant was never a goal.  I was no longer constructing a life of my dreams, I was going through the grind of the 9-5.

I am not knocking working a 9-5 job, I have one.  For me, not setting goals and pushing my own growth was one worst mistakes I’ve made.  It lead to depression and the only way that I could feel good was playing video games, eating food, or drinking alcohol.

Needless to say for a time, I was not sleeping well at the end of the day.

I attribute it to not pushing myself for growth, the way I had done in the past.  Growth doesn’t have to be about degrees or making money,  you could choose to  become a better, spouse or neighbor.  Growth isn’t a requirement in our society, but you can demand of yourself.

Over the last year I have continued to recommit myself to being more intentional with my time and money.  It has been a challenge because I picked up some bad habits along the way.  Changing your life is one of the most challenging things to do.  Taking charge of yourself will change everything for you, if you start by changing your mind.

For me and my journey, scheduling my goal, my workouts and holidays with my family help me to see my plan.  Executing on a plan for my life lets me rest at night knowing that I’ve made progress toward my goals.  Do you have goals?  How will you execute and accomplish those goals?  If you’ve enjoyed this post, please do me a favor, share it and sign up to be notified of future posts.