Discovering our Worth

To discover our innate worth as human beings is an epic journey.  If we don’t allow the embrace the journey, we begin to sabotage ourselves.  Why does this happen?

Knowing …

Staying the Course

The way I start the morning of a new day…

My eyes open and I say “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”  Thank you, for me is a prayer.  It keeps me in grounded in a state of appreciation.

I …

Origin Story

In the world of entertainment, an origin story is a back-story revealing how a character or group of people developed into what they stand for today.  A narrative, intended to create depth and show ones intentions.  In comic books, origin …

Find your Reason for Being

Finding your life’s purpose can be rewarding and at the same time elusive for many individuals.  Ikigai is a Japanese word which means a reason for living or being.  There is a short story in Japan that describes the concept …

At the End of the Day

At the end of the day, I sleep easy knowing that I have given what I could, but it wasn’t always like this for me.

During my undergrad I scheduled my entire day, my schedule gave me more freedom than …

The Power of Focus

Focus is a skill that I accidentally learned to develop within myself.  I don’t know how I happened to develop the ability to focus, but I can see its presence throughout my entire life.  For me, I can remember in …