Pitfalls Along the Path | Tools for Mastery

We have all set out to gain develop a current skill or gain a new one.  Sometimes we find ourselves in the midst of a rut. And that’s “Okay.”  Even …

Getting Energy for Mastery | Tools for Mastery

It’s interesting how society talks about human potential being nearly limitless.  I am one of those people who believe this to be true.  In my senior year of high school, I took my first physics course.  This course completely shifted …

The Path to Mastery

Let’s start with something simple.  Try touching the top of your head.  That was easy enough right? Nothing to it.

There was a time when that simple action to take a lot effort to accomplish.  Yet, somehow we obtained mastery …

The Magic of Confidence

Confidence is an interesting topic, it is something we can’t physically touch, but we can recognize it within ourselves and others.  Confidence can be thought of as a belief in one’s ability to succeed.  Too much of it and you …

Find your Reason for Being

Finding your life’s purpose can be rewarding and at the same time elusive for many individuals.  Ikigai is a Japanese word which means a reason for living or being.  There is a short story in Japan that describes the concept …