Investing in yourself is probably the best invest an individual can make at any age. In my last blog post, 2018 Goal Setting: Where to get started? We discussed, how to gauge where you are in life and where you would like to be. It is simple to do this kind of evaluation, but it isn’t easy.
Evaluate yourself in each of these areas:
- Health
- Friends
- Family
- Finances
- Spiritual + Personal Growth
- Work
- Recreation
It’s necessary to be honest and frank about where you are in each area. It’s also important to understand the level of investment you are or are not allocating to that portion of your life. Growth is never by accident, it’s always on purpose, even if we don’t understand it at the time.
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”
~James Cash Penney, Founder of JCPenney
I love this quote by James, it means a lot to me for so many reasons. What I find powerful about it reminds me that we can design and develop ourselves and our own lives. In life our growth is proportional to our investment in ourselves. How much are you investing in yourself?
If you aren’t investing in yourself… I only have one question, why not?
Personal growth can be scary and risky, but it’s necessary in varying degrees for everyone. We can’t grow personally without some level of investment, whether that is time, money or some other resource.
People can certainly invest into our personal growth as well. I am of the belief that we should invest more into ourselves than anyone else. We know our goals, our intentions and our desires. No one can tell you what you want, but you can define that for yourself.
How much are you investing in yourself? Are you giving it 70% or 120%? If you’ve enjoyed this post, please do me a favor, share it and sign up to be notified of future post.