In the world of entertainment, an origin story is a back-story revealing how a character or group of people developed into what they stand for today. A narrative, intended to create depth and show ones intentions. In comic books, origin stories are how the characters obtain their superpowers.
This is the origin story of Baby Steps Toward Greatness
The power of words is an interest of mine dating back to elementary school. I was in remedial math and reading courses. I had a teacher named Ms. Terrell, who invested in me for years. She would plant a seed in me that would grow into the passion I have for reading today.
I have an interest in expressing myself through words. I never shared my thoughts with many people, because it felt vulnerable. One day, I decided that I would create a blog for personal finance and development.
I knew there had to be a better way
When I started blogging, I noticed that I wasn’t holding myself accountable. This lack accountability has spread to all aspects of my life. Baby Steps Toward Greatness was created as a platform to help other people with the same problem. Becoming aware of a victim mentality that I had embodied, I became frustrated. I told myself stories why others had more success in the realms of finance, relationships, etc.
Saying things like:
“I had to take out student loans to finance my education, to change my life, because I didn’t come from a financially well off family.”
“My personal relationships weren’t as strong as others because I move more for my career than others or that I felt like was heard growing up.”
I would make excuses for why I had gained weight, while working overnights to make a living and start my career.
In truth, I was lying to myself
There didn’t seem to be anyone else calling me out on these limiting beliefs or these lies. I decided that I had to alter the course of my life. I was seeking accountability. Beyond accountability, I wanted to document the journey. Sharing a taste of freedom found through taking even baby steps. I want to taste the freedom found on the other side of debt.
In the logging industry, trees are cut down and placed it into a river where the logs will be collected for processing further down stream. If there are too many logs in the river at a bend it creates a blockage. To stop blockage and continue the flow of logs, they have to do something drastic!
They throw a stick of dynamite into the river and blow up the epic center of the blockage. Yes, you do destroy some of the work you had done, but you allow the rest of it to flow.For me the blockage is the limiting beliefs that consciously and unconsciously influence the choices in my life.
I am choosing to lay down the stories that no longer serve me. It will take time. My intention is that, I would like to help others to create the same kind of freedom in their own lives. That will make all the difference. If you’ve enjoyed this post, please do me a favor, share it and sign up to be notified of future posts.