Discovering our Worth

To discover our innate worth as human beings is an epic journey.  If we don’t allow the embrace the journey, we begin to sabotage ourselves.  Why does this happen?

Knowing our worth answers the question:

  • How good of a person am I?
  • Am I worthy of the blessings of life?
  • Among others!

Life is a series of moments, it’s in recognizing in those moments who we are choosing to show up as.  It’s about having an awareness of the fullness of the moment that we can understand this worth.  If we are afraid in the moment, it doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy.  It gives us an opportunity to lean into courage, because we are vulnerable.

“Visions are worth fighting for. Why spend your life making someone else’s dreams?”  ~Tim Burton

I feel deeply that our ability to trust our dream and to take action toward accomplishing it directly impacts our worth.  Life is one of the greatest teachers, truly.  It brings us relationships, family, friends, experiences and so much variety.  Lessons from life tend to repeat themselves, until we get the lesson.  In some ways, I am quick study and in others I am a stubborn mule.

Whenever we take a step, the path of journey becomes clearer.  When we allow ourselves to express the fullness of ourselves, to be willing to be foolish and childlike, we begin to trust ourselves.  In this trust we let go of fear and we embrace love.  Trusting ourselves is vital to our self-worth. It’s only difficult, until it becomes easy.  That’s the irony of much of the lessons that life has taught me.

Trusting the process can be scary at times… like you, it’s worth it!  This is how we turn what we dream into what we know.  If you’ve enjoyed this post, please do me a favor, share it and sign up to be notified of future posts.

One Reply to “Discovering our Worth”

  1. This is so true. In order to truly live life, one should live with the courage to face the many fears life throws at you. Sure, it can be scary, and it would be so much easier and safer to revert to a well known, comfortable path, but if you face that fear, life’s most valuable lessons are waiting to be taught, giving you more self worth.

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